copper pipe ends close up



Copper Refining



ASA Consulting Advisory Services is providing assistance with respect to an investment opportunity for copper refining that is specific to Saudi Arabia.

The UK based sponsor company has developed plans for a copper refining project in Saudi Arabia. This would be a clean-tech project powered by green hydrogen.

The aim is to produce copper foils that are used in the printed circuit boards incorporated into telecommunications equipment such as PCs and mobile phones, the current collectors used in lithium-ion secondary batteries and as the electromagnetic wave shield material in PDPs (plasma displays). There is currently a reported global copper supply deficit of 9.9 million tonnes.

Modular plant technology using clean energy has been developed at a leading UK University. The modular plant is to be powered by green hydrogen (Green hydrogen is obtained by electrolysis of water, a process powered entirely by renewable energy).

The plan is to use / recycle redundant copper cabling. The value of this available under Riyadh alone is estimated at US$8 billion.

The proposed investment is in two phases:

  • Phase I: Modular pilot plant: US$5 million investment.
  • Phase II: 1 tonne per hour plant: US$35 million investment.

If you have any enquires about our feasibility studies in Saudi Arabia, please direct these to us at