Business Services

Company Formation in Saudi Arabia







Helping companies find their foothold in Middle Eastern markets

ASA Consulting Advisory Services can assist companies wishing to set up a business in the Middle East.


Saudi buildings skyline including the bottle opener building




Some of the key considerations we will assist you with include:



  • Government laws on joint ventures or partnership firms
  • Availability of government support for project finance, such as soft loans, subsidies and tax holiday regulations
  • Corporate tax considerations




  • Laws on the allocation of land for the setup of new projects
  • Exemption of duty in the import of raw materials
  • Country risk for foreign investment



More practical and logistical considerations include:


  • Obtaining necessary registration from governmental organisations
  • Arranging accounting and audit services
  • Locating office premises, staff accommodation and setting up rental agreements


  • Setting up banking facilities
  • Arranging to satisfy paid-up capital requirements